Obama continues to travel giving speeches planning for his next election. He still has not consented and allowed any of the payments to patriotic Americans, which will get this country and the world economies back on track.
The Obamas on Wednesday, November 9th, 2011, were hand delivered the document below by high level government officials. It contains an IRS Report regarding the misappropriated funds. We want all readers to specifically note that per investigation and the document below, a large amount of funds were transferred to the Royal Bank of Canada into an account of Michelle Obama. In addition to the information the White Hats have previously reported and this document, we can further confirm that since November 9th, The Obamas have already illegally moved funds again out of these accounts.
We anticipate that Geithner will simply bury this legally filed report in a drawer. What will Obama and Michelle say when the account history of these funds is distributed to the White House staff, Congress, world leaders, our global readers and delivered into other legal authorities? The filing of this report alone to the IRS, if properly addressed, should sink him.
While we are musing over The Obamas, let us further entertain what the Bush family will think when someone begins to push to destroy the George H.W. Bush legacy over his own ill-gotten funds. These funds exceed 350 Billion Dollars deposited in various banks throughout the world, and the history of these funds is being prepared for distribution to legal authorities and for reporting to the world.
Senior’s state of mind may not let him fully understand, but now that his wife Barbara and son Jeb are taking over, how will they react to the fact that the Bush family legacy is destroyed as they suffer and pay for the actions of the father? How will they feel when the Bush name is removed from public places, airports, etc?
More to come…
IRS filing against Obama
Every one of us needs to get this out to as many action groups as possible. 40m plus are on food stamps while he robs the store. 100m are under crippling debt burdens. Every American should take this to Obamas next rally and face him down with it. He's no Nelson Mandela, just a crooked fella!
ReplyDeleteYawn. Another superficial disinfo job.
ReplyDeleteAs Fox Mulder would say "I want to believe." However, the word 'believe' is German in origin, which means, basically, 'I wish'. There are multiple spelling errors in that IRS filing. Looks bad, and makes me suspicious.
ReplyDeleteHey Dynamic, I copied the forms into a Word Document, so I could read them with a larger font, you need to get a spell checker...what words are misspelled?
ReplyDeleteYou seem not to believe all the stimulus money and the unaccountable funds from so many sources could not be moved around? Gee, I would suppose there are ACORN workers with the alleged free lap tops still on the pay roll...
I have your link up again, as usual at InformAmerica.net. Thanks to the White Hats teams for all you do to attempt saving America. We will continue to post as long as possible.
ReplyDeleteRather than using words like dribble, BS and yawn how about you paid Obama trolls provide some evidence to prove otherwise.
ReplyDeleteWho cares about these or any other billions or trillions of dollars/euro/yens?! Oh I know! You do! We rather have a world without money! And that's exactly where we are going! You may want to start getting used to having none, else you'll have to join them in their underground/below-hell bunkers where they will spend their lifeless existence counting their gold coins.
ReplyDeleteBIG STORY on Ackermann...
[6:12:39 PM] WhiteHat: read the article ... everyone wants to know what we are doing ...show them this ... in reality we are the reason this is happening ... and the same is happening in HOng Kong at HSBC, in Singapore and Thailnd at Citibank.
ReplyDeletewatch this video then explain it to me...
I had a dream last evening about a shift in government. Those who lead us had a new mind and a new heart. They chose to no longer meet in their great halls. Instead, they were meeting in old time service stations. Our government was out from under the old false ceilings. Meetings were being held under an open heaven. Those in public service were happy to focus on the needs of humanity. Government leaders were checking tires and washing windshields to send us on our way with what we need. Everything had changed. I'm not smart enough to know about all that is posted about the system, but I do believe that with all my heart our government is about to receive its "make over."
ReplyDeleteI knew Obama wasn't in it for the good of the country. This just proves it.
ReplyDeletefrom: Tom Heneghan Intel Blog
On Nov 20, 2001, the FBI and the US Postal Inspectors General in Las Vegas and Washington DC. were notified that George H. W. Bush was behind the Anthrax Murders. Those agencies refused to investigate, and spent billions of taxpayer dollars “looking” for the perpetrator.
(1) spread the Anthrax to the paper Money Supply, that would force the American People into a a money-less Credit-Debit/National ID/DNA card system.
(2) Strip Americans of Billions of Dollars of cash on hand, because the Banks would not accept the contaminated money. It would be worthless, and wipe out a lot of people.
(3) Scare his and W's enemies in Congress, i.e. Daschle & Leahy).
Bush Sr., is a Knight's-Templar Satanist, who has been planning the destruction of America for years – a one-world government under Satanic Control.
Book: "tHE CONSPIRATORS: Secrets of an Iran Contra Insider http://www.almartinraw.com/uri1.html
ReplyDeleteIn 1984, government-sponsored con-man Lawrence Richard Hamil began dispensing money to House & Senate Republicans. The payoffs and systemic corruption were just "business as usual." Hamil passed out a lot of envelopes. Illinois, Tennessee, Kentucky.
The CIA would easily subvert an FBI or DEA investigation, but never ONI, because they were frightened of them. ONI is the most powerful US intelligence agency. It is where the real deep OONTROL and secrets are kept...secrets warehoused for the purposes of CONTROL." ONI has been hostile in the past to the Bush cabal and its CIA friends. The principals of the ONI faction are names you wouldn't know. (NOTE:Per Pieczenik, Navy, AF generals, CIA SOLIC team, PNAC, Bush (and I add Mossad) did 911, so we can't believe the Navy is pro-constitution either.)
Another prime way of hiding the flow of money was through the use of TAX-FREE FOUNDATIONS, designated 501c3 entities, by US tax code.
"The Carlyle Group, which IS Frank Carlucci, and the Blackstone Investment Group are virtually one and the same.
Each member of the Bush family has their own specialty of fraud.
"George Jr.'s specialty was insurance and security fraud. Jeb's specialty was oil and gas fraud. Neil's specialty was real estate fraud. Prescott's specialty was banking fraud. Wally's specialty was securities fraud. And George Bush Sr.'s specialty? All of the above."
Book: DOUBLE-CROSSED: Black Ops, Beltway Bandits & the US Shadow Government
"George Jr., Jeb and Neil Bush were all party to the crimes involving drugs and gun money laundering through Silverado Savings in Denver. They were all aware of ÔPoppy' George's schemes using CIA, Israeli Mossad, Homestead Air Force Base and Mena, Ark., to import drugs and ship weapons."
In the biowarfare-treason department, "Jeb Bush controlled the shipping of 18 strains of chemicals shipped to Iraq through Leonard Millman's National Gulf Stream Aviation warehouses at Boca Raton Airport," says Webb. "These chemicals are now being reported as responsible for Gulf War Syndrome currently killing Americans who served in the Gulf War."
George Bush has bragged that "as long as we keep food on their table, gas in their gas tanks and a roof over their heads, we don't have to worry about the BUDsters." The arrogant senior Bush calls the American people BUDsters." It stands for Broke, Useless and Depressed.
In an article called "Why does George W. Bush fly in drug smuggler Barry Seal's airplane?" the authors reveal that CIA drug smuggling pilot Barry Seal was murdered by a hit team directed by NSC staffer Lt. Colonel Oliver North. The hit team members revealed this fact to their attorneys during trial.
Afterward, the airplane that was the crown jewel in Seal's drug smuggling fleet, a 1982 Beechcraft King Air 200, through a convoluted series of transactions, ended up as George W. Bush's personal aircraft.
NOTE: Homestead AFB is mentioned here, and I find it VERY interesting that Homestead was BLOWN COMPLETELY AWAY by a hurricane in Aug 1992 when Senior was president. FEMA and the local police refused to help the victims and threatened them. There was an anomaly in the number of deaths reported. Many bodies were loaded onto trucks and "disappeared".
Wonder how much Nigel would charge me to tell Congress off - in session and on camera -- picking out specific members, from my list of grievances. Even as fast as he talks, it would take a while, and their ears would be burning.
It's one thing to post documents on the web and claim they are going to be (or have already been) delivered.
ReplyDeleteIt's another thing to actually carry through and make good on said statements. And no one can prove it one way or the other.
Whoever wrote the cover letter for this 'filing' needs to learn proper format and punctuation. Looks totally amateur.
Another discrepancy I see...thought Obama had 11 billion dollars. Khad taken possession of illegally) it was written and stated in the audio.
If you're going to tell tales you better know how to lie better. Consistency is everything.
Better yet, instead of spinning tales, how about just telling the truth so you don't have to hurt your brain trying to remember the lie(s) being told? My memory at my age is poor, however I never have problems recalling factual events ;)
I didn't read the letter to the IRS... Why would I read or take seriously anyone reporting to the IRS? The IRS is run by these cronnies. If it ever got into the hands of the IRS, I am sure it would provide them with much entertainment as they would probably destroy anything they ever received.
ReplyDeleteJan Coldwater
The White Hats have been trying to get a branch of law enforcement in the United States to do something... I suspect the IRS may be that branch... Of course the ruling elite runs the show from the top down and all the branches look up for their orders but there seems to be a divide in power groups, therefore one power group is looking for teeth against the other... It's like a chess game between those who have the time to ponder every move, however, there is a time clock and moves have to be made...
ReplyDeleteThe two sides each have baggage, but one is more likely to commit atrocities to save themselves than the other...therefore we need whatever law enforcement group willing to stop that from happening.... Hopefully we will be able to fine tune our desires for this world once the most dangerous are under control.
And if not, we the regular folks are the targets and we are easy picking. We all want the complete set of facts to make up our minds but that isn't how the world has worked for the last 2000 years... We need to make educated guesses as to the lesser of the evils...and hope that true decent men and women are going to stand firm and strong knowing we have no choice.
Monday, December 19, 2011
ReplyDeleteDocuments point to attack on America by White House crime families
Beware, the Lord is about to take firm hold of you and hurl you away, O you mighty man. He will roll you up tightly like a ball and throw you into a large country. There you will die and there your splendid chariots will remain -- you disgrace to your master’s house! I will depose you from your office, and you will be ousted from your position. Isaiah 22: 17-19Cash payoffs, bonds and murder linked to White House 911 finance
Documents point to attack on America by White House crime families
by Tom Flocco
ReplyDeleteThis is incredible...
Documents point to attack on America by White House crime families...
ReplyDelete(The following is an attempt to present in a compact form the claims made by Dick Eastman, Tom Flocco, V.K. Durham, Karl Schwarz and put together in an the article by E.P. Heidner dated 28th June 2008 to the effect that the September 11th attacks were intended to cover-up the clearing of the 1991 issuance of $240 billion in covert securities to fund an economic war against the Soviet Union during which "unknown" western investors bought up much of the Soviet industry. A crime presented by official sources as a "terrorist attack" and used as an excuse to attack Iraq.)
Putting both stories together, we can get no better than this proof of the criminality foisted upon an unsuspecting public...
Anonymous Joe.
ReplyDelete1. Romney will not clear vetting again, just like he failed with McCain. The Ed Falcone writs go out next month with one for him, and with copies of vast corruption claims and proof, now already with the key worldwide press and Political Leaders, also with more files heading for Newt Gingritch, unless Ed Falcone's paid fast, a firestorm is coming down with Global exposure. Just as with the Roman Empire,the Bush Crime Family will end in tears.As Sr delays senility, time runs out.
2. Your comment on the DNA link raises one question. With her track record, how sure can you be it wasn't all of them in one day?
3.David Dewhurst. How much was he paid from the Ed Falcome scam and heist of Eds profits? Ask. Everyone got fed but Ed. The usual game and crooks. It's all over Europe now and about to be exposed. Investigation has started.
4. The entire US Government and Agency system has deteriorated to systematic corruption and patronage of a few families who seem to cross breed nothing but drunks,drug takers and dealers, money launderers and statutory rapists. It rots from within. Some elite.
The world is changing rapidly. America used to be a magnificent industrial engine room of the world. Then the sleazy Bankers and Texan Mafia took control. Global tyranny and war beckons now as the Military Industrial Conglomerate bankroll themselves and bankrupt the economy. China, Japan and India have just set up a new cross country currency agreement removing the dollar dependency and underpinning a new US free Asian model. New big and emerging dogs are carving up the 21st Century pie with the US cut out of the equation. The mediocrities of the Cabal have no place in the new emerging Global village. Bush 41 can't even do joined up writing and was shoehorned in.
Jeb is being prepped, but the Falcone issue and others will expose a lot of nasty realities. You can only keep a nation stupefied so long. Worms turn. They bought their 100,000 acre Paraguayan ranches along with Cheny and Soros for the no extradition treaty reason, which also suited most other escaping Nazis who ran there. Kay Bailey is leaving because she's been "told to". Patronage! For the same reason that if Jeb is run, O will also be told his time is up and to stand down. Gingritch is Srs worst nightmare. The wild card who despises him for the mess he's made of America and the sheer scale of corruption he created. Gingritch can dismantle them if empowered. They just didn't factor him in. We predicted it 2 years ago. But with 46% ignorant or stupid who will vote O in whatever the cost, its going to be hard to get him out, plus they will rig counts where possible just as Sr did. It's the system which is rotten. How many Senators or Congressmen even get to run who are not pre owned? A dead fish rots from the head up. As the world changes, and the US economy fails, FRB NY will be exposed for what it is, and a crash will come. Reparation is needed first. From the Bonfire of Vanities, to the bonfire with the Cabal. Systematic rot removal is necessary.
When are we going to have a new post from the White Hats? It has been 45 days and no post. Just come on and tell the people the truth (THE REAL TRUTH).
ReplyDeleteBlessings to All
Let's investigate everyones funds. Congressmen, senators, governors, all elected and appointed officials. Lets just start all over. Which is what needs to happen anyway in regards to senators and congressmen. Let's make sure we investigate the ones you like and the ones you do not like. Let's make sure we investigate the ones you support and the ones you do not support. Will anyone come up squeaky clean?
ReplyDeleteYou want more proof? Scroll down and shake your head! This is amazing...(this is all I can say).
Hodges and Associates 12/31/11
ReplyDeleteMy associate Dennis Smith recently advised that I would have some information for all on this date. Let me start by conveying to all my very best wishes for a happy and joyous holiday season. The coming year will, IMHO, bring life-changing conclusion to this extremely arduous journey we have been forced to endure.
Although you may not be happy with what has been going on, I can assure you that there was simply no other way to accomplish what will become the new foundation of this great country, and establish the agenda for its rebirth in form and fashion as originally set forth in the US Constitution. As I have previously stated, we have confronted, with added pressure from the “lien-holders,” the vilest, most contemptible, well financed forces for evil on the planet – and we have won! I know, some eleven months later, that must seem to have been an idle boast. However, it merely reflects the mighty struggle that has been raging in the shadows.
While I had hoped to be able to advise you this afternoon that we had finally achieved Economic Receipt, which in turn would authorize release and delivery of the CMKM pay-outs, I cannot do so at this moment. Having said that, please remember my prior advice regarding the Iraqi Dinar re-valuation, which has been much anticipated and discussed. Funding of the IQD re-val is part of the World Global Settlement scheme; and release of the re-val will essentially be coincident with release and distribution of all WGS program pay-outs. I am very pleased to be able to report that not only is Iraq now a sovereign country, but will have an internationally recognized and tradable currency by January 1, 2012. This indicates to me that distribution of the CMKM pay-outs is truly imminent – with-in hours/days.
Again, I wish each of you happiness and joy at this seasonal juncture. Please keep in mind that most of this information is not “legal” by definition, not directly related to our Federal Court action and certainly not something I originally ‘signed on’ to accomplish. In the event that additional delays are encountered, I believe they will be de minimus in both time and substance. We have in fact won the war and proof of that is forthcoming.
I ask that you read and consider carefully the entire contents of this letter, prior to adding your own interpretations, prognostications and conclusions hereon, or any similar interpretations, prognostications or conclusions offered to you by others. Accordingly, and please note that the following is repetitious, and is meant to be: I am very pleased to be able to report that not only is Iraq now a sovereign country, but will have an internationally recognized and tradable currency by January 1, 2012. This indicates to me that distribution of the CMKM pay-outs is truly imminent - within hours/days.
A. Clifton Hodges (CSBN 046803)
4 East Holly Street, Suite 202
Pasadena, CA 91103-3900
Tel: (626) 564-9797
Fax: (626) 564-9111
E-Mail: al@hodgesandassociates.com
It would be great if one could believe what is posed here. Note, however, these guys have had no more to say after this 11/14 article.
ReplyDeleteNothing they write comes true.... just the paid alternative to the other criminals in government.
ReplyDeleteYes everything they say is coming true, you just don't know how to read the news. Ackermann went down do to their work and hundreds of countries are having their currencies revalued because everyone listed in these reports had to be backed down.
These men have provided the world law enforcement agencies with the evidence to corner politicians and prove they are on the dole, with Vatican bank accounts with hundreds of millions of dollars in them. These reports are to shoot off the bow and get the cabal to allow the settlements to go through.... if need be they will shoot off another bow with another report but since the tide has turned and the power is shifting, they are applying the necessary pressure. Everything you have seen in banking in 2 years is a domino effect from this pressure.
Too bad people contribute lame criticism from the sidelines. Good thing they know what they are doing. What have you done?
So glad the white hats have prevailed. All of the information so many were skeptical about has now seen the light of day. If it wasn't for them, NONE of this would have happened. I can gladly say that I've done my part. I have posted on my twitter, facebook and have also sent numerous emails to MSM.
ReplyDeleteOn December 15, 2011, Defendant, President Barack Obama, moved for dismissal of
ReplyDeletePlaintiffs' challenge to his qualifications for office. The Court has jurisdiction to hear this
contested case pursuant to Chapter 13 of Title 50, the "Georgia Administrative Procedure Act."
For the reasons indicated below,
Defendant's Motion to Dismiss is DENIED!!!!
Well done Chris, and Geno. You and James make valued contributions. Timing is everything. Most key decision takers are away on vacation until next week. Key in from Tuesday 10th onwards and be ready to help get it all out. A huge amount is in play Globally. Ignore the Troll respondents. Deep and searching questions will be raised. It may be David versus Goliath, but you know how that played out. All it takes is one direct hit.
ReplyDeleteGeno K, glad you know more than me.
ReplyDeleteMy contribution? Locally battling the county "thugs" that "hold office" but we have established they are "private contractors" guilty of impersonating public officials.
How about our helping to establish with research and administrative judges ruling that such entities as state and local police, DoT's, etc. are not state agencies and have no more authority over us than a security guard from WalMart?
My research associate, Rod Class, has also brought much to light, for example, the truth about The Bankruptcy of 1933, the non-existence of money, the importance of cases being filed in the "district court of the United States" and NOT the "United States District Court." (See www.rodclass.com)
Winn Peter I am glad to hear you are in a fight for justice all the reason more not to undermine or throw tomatoes from the sidelines at the White hats like they are elected public servants, or hired as a police force.
ReplyDeleteThey are not, they are spending a lot of their own money and risking their lives doing what elected public servants are supposed to do....
Especially since they handed that evidence over to public officials and they are doing nothing with it. Since you seem to have pull with such people can you help the White hats and The US citizenry get some justice? The White Hats would welcome the assist.
ReplyDeleteFollowing Up
These are photographs of bonds that were sent to me. They are connected to Wilfredo Sauren a forger who used to work with the CIA. The documents are probably forgeries but they are practically identical to the real thing. Sauren has made a lot of money over the years cashing these instruments, CIA sources tell me.
CIAの人間によるとこれらの債権はWilfredo Saurenという元CIAの偽造書類作成専門家の作ったものであるという。これらの債権は実に本物にそっくりだそう。Saurenはこれらの偽造で、かつてかなりお金を稼いだことあるようである。
Dear Benjamin,
I am writing to you as the spokesman for the White Dragon Society who
may be able to give me and my connections protection from the cabal
who wants to take over the world. My main concern is for my 72-yr-old
cousin's, his friends and my safety. I am a Filipina private citizen
of the United Kingdom, with no political nor military connection. My
cousin and his friends are Filipino citizens living in the Philippines
also without connections.
My awareness of government conspiracies started when I was researching
the Illuminati after I graduated from a Christian School of Ministry
in 2005. I became personally involved when my cousin gave me a
one-year Special Power of Attorney last year (on 23 Dec 2010)
regarding his inheritance of a sizeable amount of gold and cash
deposit with Citibank, New York. I will be travelling to Manila to
see my cousin on 3rd January, 2011 from London. He asked me to bring
the expired SPA for his renewal.
As of the last quarter of 2011, my cousin was working with what he
refers to as an undercover programmer of the the US Treasury who then
transferred the account to HSBC, Makati, Philippines. Two days ago,
he was told by an HSBC executive in Makati that the documentation he
was given were FRAUD. It sounds like the Keenan case! -which led me
to your site and now the knowledge of the White Dragon Society. I
also heard your interview with David Wilcock on the internet.
To be totally honest with you, I am very scared about what I now know,
but willing to share with the WDS to add to the on-going Neil Keenan
case so that the world would be freed from the stronghold of the
cabals. I am now attaching these copies of documents, knowing the
risks. Your you tube videos warning the cabals gave me the courage to
do this. I am willing to take the risk for the good of mankind and
the planet we now live in. Their evil secret agenda that had gone on
for so long MUST be revealed to the world. I simply want justice for
the oppressed peoples of the world; that the wars they are perpetually
instigating be stopped. Enough is enough.
View this photo
Download HSBC
Download Scan0002
View this photo
Posted at 10:22 | Permalink
See below:
ReplyDeleteIt is believed these will be exposed as instruments written on what was alleged Russell Herman's Assignment to Global Alliance Investment Association Black Ops Operating out of the Philippines.. See: http://www.theantechamber.net/Contact/Contact32404/Contact12.html and http://www.theantechamber.net/Contact/Contact32404/Contact13.html
These individuals issues thousands of instruments throughout the PNG, Malaysia,S. Africa, Korea and other nations considered G5 Nations with instruments such as http://www.theantechamber.net/VkDocuments/DocGroupH/Hpage5.html
To accomplish this PRIME BANK INSTRUMENT FRAUD the White House & Executive Branch erased the true owners Records in the Data Base System then declared the true owner deceased 1992, then proceeded to BLACKBALL the true owners SOVEREIGN DEBT INSTRUMENTS to keep the fraud going with the malicious intent of bankrupting the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury and US Fed. Reserve with Counterfeit Prime Bank Instruments carefully lodged in Prime Banks around the world intending to take the global banking, financing and economics 'hostage'..
The Real Owner's instruments which are being BLACKBALLED by the perps can be viewed with the Law which is applicable to said 'ownership'.. http://www.theantechamber.net/Vk2009/DocumentationValidation.htm
Posted by: V.K. Durham, CEO-Signatory, Durham Holding Trust, Tias 12087 | 01/05/2012 at 15:20
More shake your head news....
ReplyDeleteThe Rumor Mill News Reading Room
V.K. Durham, CEO-Creditor: Oh my goodness gracious! Suddenly there is a Cyber crime could trigger a global crisis?!
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Monday, 9-Jan-2012 04:16:40
V.K. Durham, CEO-Creditor: Oh my goodness gracious! Suddenly there is a Cyber crime could trigger a global crisis?! BULL!
They have dug the hole so freaking deep while trying to bankrupt the U.S. DOLLAR... and Blackballing the Real Creditor from bailing the victim banking systems out of this mess, the BRITISH/ENGLISH ROTHSCHILD Banking System has no where to go but D O W N by the theft, unauthorized use, illegal hypothecation of Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087 Trust Owned and Held "Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing, Ltd; Nevada ID 1707-85" which was retired and held in Trust June 1997.. then incorporated by the Bush/Clinton operation of Bankrupting the United States by incorporating long standing Corporations, then using those Corporations U.S. Treaty, U.S. Fed. R. etc.. off shore in fraudulent transactions which should be around $207 Q by now.
Hate to say: "I told you so! You were warned, warned, warned.. PTB ignored the warnings.. Went to War.. indulged in Russian Roulette with the Jamie Diamon, UK/US Fed. R., US Corporate House and Senate joining the CIA Forex playing aginst the US CORPORATE FED. R. NOTE which has drastically effected the Constitutional Gold and Silver American Dollar, and U.S. Dollar.
snip: "Taking down the U.S. DOLLAR which the entire Global
Banking, Financing and Economics are "peged".. along with setting up all of those "DEVELOPMENT BANKS" mentioned by E.J. Ekker: "Inter-American Development Bank just set up a little nice banks all around, you know, the little Asian Development Bank, European Development Bank, Hong Kong Development Bank, po-dunk Development Bank, and ever so many more. This sprang out of Inter American Investment Corporation MINE originally set up by the Bush's but never through Incorporation OOPS, BIG GOOF!! This was also pretty inclusive of the DEPOSIT TRUST [Depository Trust Co. 55 Water Street, New York, New York] outfit who runs all the stocks, etc. [end quote] source http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?read=158479
Cyber crime could trigger a global crisis
$134 billion US Bond Mystery - solved
ReplyDeleteTue Jan 10, 2012 6:48 PM EST
By GrandeLander
On March 30, 2009, the US Treasury Department announced that USD 134.5 billion remained in its Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). The amount was coincidentally $134.5 billion.
The US Treasury has since declared the bonds to be fake. See Glen Beck’s take on this at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttSmZknU9mI&feature=player_embedded#!
In your WH Report #32, forth(4th)paragraph, you say,
ReplyDelete"entertain what the Bush family will think when someone begins to push to destroy the George H.W. Bush legacy"...
That "someone" is David B. Smith, who has been sending proof of the graft and corruption to all of the U.S. agencies,news media and overseas authorizies for over ten(10)years, by Bush Sr., Bush's family, Mitt Romney and all the other Bush Dark Cabal and Bush Sr. corrupt puppets. If you do not believe me, check Mr. Smith out with FBI,IRS,Dept.Justice,Homeland Security,etc. Mr. Smith was responsible for getting Josef Ackermann to testify to IRS,in 2011,on Bush Sr. and Mitt Romney graft and corruption, but the IRS chose not to prosecute Bush Sr. for tax evasion and fraud. It was David Smith who arranged the Federal Trading Program for Ed Falcone, who is no American Patroit, but a American Fraud, who tried to defraud the Federal Trading Program three(3)different times, against the advise of Mr. Smith. I could tell you, how Bush Sr. issued three(3)death threats on Mr. Smith life, because Bush Sr. knows that David Smith is the one person who has proof that can destroy Bush Sr.and Bush's family legacy and reputation. I could tell you on all the other criminal acts that the Bush's have done to Mr. Smith, but why, especially for you non-believers or the ones who refuse to believe the truth and facts. Ask yourself, why hasn't the U.S. government, the news media, elected politicans and other important knowledgeable persons got the truth out to the American people. I will tell you what was told to David Smith, by several high U.S. government people, who tried to get David Smith to back off, and I quote, "this country can not afford for the American people to know the truth about all the corruption and graft in our country and government because of this country economic condition and it being an election year for our politicians." Mr. Smith told them, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DESERVE TO KNOW THE TRUTH and David Smith will not back off for anyone, until the American people know the truth about all the corruption and graft in our country. Come on American people, don't you deserve to know the truth? Then help David Smith, White Hats Report, World Reports and WilkiLeaks get this message to the American people.